Featured Classes

The Immunity Series: Part 1

Part 1: The Gut Microbiome with Roohe Ahmed, MPH and RDN
In this engaging and informative session, Roohe discusses the relationship between the gut, immunity and nutrition.

The Sinking Ship: Who Do You Call Upon?

In this short video Ustadha Shamira takes us on a journey to rediscover our connection with the One who can rescue us from any of life’s tests and challenges.

The Ongoing Struggle

Join Sister Hosai Mojaddidi for a discussion about our struggle with ourselves, and the ways that the weaknesses of our nafs are exposed.

Coping with Tragedy and Fear

Join Ustadha Rania Awaad as she helps us process recent tragedies in the ummah, and how to cope with their impact on our collective mental health. (2015)

Raising a Spiritual Child

with Dr. Rania Awaad
This course traces the development of children from preconception to early adulthood with special attention paid to the four major developmental milestones,