Explore the different classes, from “Etiquette with the Qur’an,” to “Beginning of Guidance,” or even more practical topics like “A Muslimah’s Guide to Time Management.” Many amazing classes are listed here, taught by teachers like Ustadha Rania Awaad, Ustadha Zaynab Ansari, Ustadha Nagheba Hayel and Ustadha Shamira Chothia Ahmed.
This beautiful series, taught by Ustadha Shamira Chothia Ahmed, discusses a new female companion of the Prophet Muhammad (salallahu alaihi wassalam) each month. Take a step into Islamic history and learn from our greatest female examples.
Learn the tools of balancing life, emotional health and ibadah, and to gain proximity to Allah with this assortment of classes by Sister Hosai Mojaddidi, Ustadha Rania Awaad and Ustadha Amina Sayeed.
Join Ustadha Zaynab Ansari for the Beginning of Guidance, by Imam Al-Ghazali. The knowledge from this text is relevant for women from all walks of life who seek to benefit from the wisdom of one of Islam’s greatest thinkers and friends of Allah. Learn from this great sage how to increase in mindfulness of Allah Most High, thereby increasing in daily productivity and drawing greater satisfaction from life.
Join Ustadha Shamira as she explores The Gardens of the Righteous (Riyad al-Salihin). In this well-known text, Imam Nawawi gathers key Qur’anic verses and ahadith that outline how to implement the Prophetic example in one’s daily life.