This exciting project was introduced in Ramadan 2010. A group Khatim is a collaborative effort between fellow Muslims to read the entire Qur’an monthly. Each Khatim member signs up for at least one Juz (chapter) that they are responsible for reading that month. The concept of the group Khatim has been a long-standing tradition in the Muslim world and something we hope and pray we can bring to The Rahmah Foundation sisters with love and sincerity.
1. By clicking below, you will be taken to a Google spreadsheet for this month’s Khatim.
2. Be sure to read the Intentions page before you begin reading.
3. Please enter your name and email address next to the Juz(s) you wish to read. Type “N” for not yet completed.
4. Once you have completed your Juz, please fill in ”Y” under the completed column of the spreadsheet.
5. Then please sign up for another Juz!
To help keep everyone on track, The Rahmah Foundation will send out email reminders to all of our readers reminding them of the deadline date of when to finish their Juz. We pray that you will all join us on this exciting venture with our most beloved book, the Qur’an, and that reading it monthly will become an unceasing habit of yours for the remainder of the year.