About us

About us

The Rahmah Foundation is an independent, educational organization that is committed to continuously designing retreats and educational programs that will address topics unique to Muslim women. Through the centuries, Muslims have preserved and protected the Quran and Sunnah through the rigorous Ijaza system of scholarly licensure and certification. The Rahmah Foundation realizes the critical need to safeguard Islam from extremism and deviation. Thus the foundation commits itself to selecting thoroughly qualified teachers — women who have studied and trained to meet exact criteria in both their knowledge and practice – to disseminate sacred knowledge to the rest of our sisters.


Our History

The Rahmah Foundation grew out of the Sisters’ Deen Intensives that were previously sponsored by the Deen Intensive Foundation, under the guidance of Shaykh Hamza Yusuf and Imam Zaid Shakir. Recognizing the importance of providing female-specific fard ‘ayn (religiously obligatory) knowledge to Muslim women coupled with the encouragement of the Shuyukh to start an independent women’s organization, the directors of the Sisters’ Deen Intensives were inspired to found The Rahmah Foundation. Starting in 2005 with the first Sisters’ Deen Intensive, we have been providing sisters with opportunities to study their Deen at the hands of qualified female teachers- all of whom have received licensing (ijaza) to teach the Sacred Sciences based on classical Islamic sources at the hands of authentic Islamic scholars from every corner of the globe.